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Matthieu+Rachel: Married | Chatham Spring Wedding Photography

Sometimes I struggle with where to begin on blog posts, but not because there is not much to say, rather because there is SO much to say. That is how I felt about Rachel and Matthieu’s beautiful wedding from this past weekend.  There were just so many pieces of the day that completely touched my heart, but I’m not sure I can put any of it into real words.  It was much more feelings. Unbelievable kindness and excitement and warmth and celebration.  All of this when these two have been through so much, and yet there was just so much joy.  It was really kind of stunning, and made a huge impression on me.  These two just LOVE people, and good grief, people love them.

The day was beautiful, full of unexpected sunshine, Rachel had a completely beautiful and not totally typical dress, they had striking colors and perfect flowers everywhere…but those aren’t necessarily the parts I will always remember about this wedding. To explain exactly what I felt, I am going to tell you a little about the dollar dance, and then I am going to show you their images! 🙂 The dollar dance has unexpectedly become one of my favorite parts of wedding coverage even though it is usually quite long, and obviously each rotation could look similar.  But what I am finding more and more, and to an enormous extent with these two, is how much RELATIONSHIP we get to view in this half hour.  How many people we get to see embrace Rachel and Matthieu and hug and kiss them, and congratulate them. How many small children I get to watch Matthieu toss up in the air and swirl around while thinking he will make a wonderful father some day.  How many people look at Rachel with faces that say that they absolutely adore her and would do anything for her.  And how person after person just gets a moment to connect with the bride and groom on one of the most important days of their lives.  No matter now long, I could not put my camera down.  I had to keep clicking, attempting to capture the small details of every sweet relationship. Matthieu and Rachel are relational at their cores, and it is absolutely beautiful. I absolutely adored watching them interact with their loved ones, start their family together, and share their joy with others on their wedding day. Rachel and Matthieu, it was SUCH an honor to celebrate you! I am thrilled for you both and know you will have a beautiful life together- sending much love to the beach to you!!! 🙂

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I just love all the fluff in this picture…so many sweet little girls in tulle helping and fawning over Rachel as she got ready- it was adorable!Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0016Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0017

A perfect little gift from her groom 🙂Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0018

St James in Chatham is absolutely stunning…excited to shoot more there in the future! And seriously, those flower girls?!!!
Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0020Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0019Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0021Beautiful ladies!!!Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0023Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0026

LOVE!Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0022

These are Matt’s two sisters…and they love Rachel!! I love this image my Michael got!

Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0024Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0025Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0027Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0063Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0030Looking good guys!Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0028Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0029Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0031Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0032Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0033

Love this in all ways!Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0034Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0035Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0036Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0037Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0038Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0041

Married!!!Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0043Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0040Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0044Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0050Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0053Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0052Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0051Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0055Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0054Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0056Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0057Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0058Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0059Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0060Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0061Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0062Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0064Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0065Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0066Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0067Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0068

Her dress…Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0069Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0070Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0071Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0072Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0073

I absolutely adore all of these- so many favorites!Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0074Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0076Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0075Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0077Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0085Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0078Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0079Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0081Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0080Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0083Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0082Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0084Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0086Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0048Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0087Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0045Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0047Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0046Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0049Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0088Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0092Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0090Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0089Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0091Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0093Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0094Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0095Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0099

Favorite!!Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0096Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0097Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0101Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0098If you follow me on facebook, you saw my mention to this amazing dance floor.  Clint from Party on Productions kept the party going ALL night–and he made this space absolutely STUNNING- these up lights in the background added to the atmosphere so much and the floor was an absolute dream to photograph for me- so much pretty light bouncing around everywhere- I absolutely adored it all!  Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0100The next many are from that dollar dance I was talking about…and I love them all.Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0102Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0103Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0104Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0105Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0106Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0107Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0108Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0109Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0110Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0111Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0113Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0112Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0115Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0117Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0116Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0118Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0119Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0120Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0121Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0122Look at this series closely…it involves a groomsmen somersaulting to catch the garter, and then giving it to a sweet boy- loved it all!Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0123Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0124Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0125Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0126Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0127Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0128Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0129Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0130Love you guys!!!  Enjoy the rest of your honeymoon!!!Blue and Yello Springfield Wedding Photography_0131



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I'm Jill, a wedding and portrait photographer based out of Chicago and Central Illinois, and available world wide! I'm also a photography educator, wife to my favorite person on the planet, mama to 3 amazing kids and an energetic Aussie, and obsessed with statement jewelry and all desserts (especially fruit pies!). 

As a past high school teacher, I have a major heart for education. After going full time in my business, I have built a business I love that gives me an almost 6 figure salary and allows me to be home part time with my kids.  I dream for you to run a business that enhances your life and lights you up, and I believe I can help you learn how to do it with a little hustle and a lot of heart!

click to learn more about me

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You're in the right place!  As a past high school teacher, educating others is my life's work and a HUGE part of my business!  I have been teaching moms and hobbyists how to use their camera from first purchasing it all the way to coaching them into businesses of their own, and I'd love to help you as well, wherever you are (and whatever camera you have!).

I'm so glad you are here!  Teaching Photographers and other small business owners how to run more joyful, successful, and profitable businesses is one of my favorite parts of my business!  I specialize in working with photographers to make their goals a reality (or figure out what their goals should be in the first place!).  

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