I am getting extremely excited (who am I kidding, I’m always excited!) about my workshop coming in mid March! I am deep into preparations now, and am so thrilled about the content that will be going to these photographers.
As an educator, I am really passionate about teaching practically…teaching content that can put into practice immediately. I like content that can be learned and practiced with a teacher, and then can be perfected without having the teacher there- because the teacher isn’t always there! And that is how I am building this content- giving the perfect amount of instruction and practice so that my attendees can go home and put the skills to great use! The other thing I am passionate about as an educator is what I like to call full-person education- it isn’t just about the camera, just like in my choir classroom it wasn’t just about the music. I am excited to dive into the importance of this capturing of memories, and some helpful tips to implement it is a regular part of your day with your children or loved ones!
You might think because your kids are almost grown that you won’t need these skills- but in my mind, anyone who has made the investment in a nice camera owes it to themselves to learn how to use it really well! There may be other little ones for you to photograph in your future! It is amazing what small changes- just a new frame of reference- can do for your passion!
I wanted to post a little more in depth about what we will be covering for those who are considering. Here are a handful of the topics!
- Camera Basics: settings, controls, modes
- The exposure triangle, and how it impacts your camera
- Posing: Making small adjustments in how your favorite subjects stand and move to create huge results (these tips work for you too! :))
- Lighting: What to look for, what to avoid, and how to use what you have
- Composition: How do you make your photos interesting and beautiful?
- Why: The how-to for capturing in your day to day life, and some discussion on it’s importance
- Practice: We will be photographing both a child and a teen (capturing the child as they play, and the teenager in a homecoming-type setup)
- Editing/workflow: What to use and how to use it!
Each of these topics will be taught for the hobbyist- the moms, aunts, and friends wanting to capture their favorite subjects better! I can’t WAIT! There are just a couple of spots available, and registration will be closing in a couple of weeks.
DATE: Sunday, March 13th
TIME: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
LOCATION: Jill’s home
Workshop seats are highly limited to provide adequate attention to each attendee!
Please email me at jill@jillgumphotography.com with any questions!
Here are the questions I have been asked so far, in case you have them too!
The workshop is called Beyond the Basics…is it for me if I don’t know anything about my camera?
YES! It is called beyond the basics because it will take you beyond- but you do not need to have any prior knowledge coming in!
What if I already like to shoot in manual or have already begun a business? Is this for me?
YES! The content is going to focus much more on composition, style, and posing than on learning to use your camera. After we get everyone on the same page with operating their cameras, we are going to completely focus on HOW you photograph- what to look for to create stunning pictures that you will want to print and share, the type of images that really capture the full beauty of your subjects!
I have a conflict with the date- will this workshop be offered again?
I have
such a heart for moms to really learn how to use their cameras to capture their kids. You can read more about that in the initial announcement
here, but it is
very much my desire to continue this type of education for this area- there is nothing else in person offered like it in Central Illinois!! I am hoping to run another course this summer, but I am not sure how often beyond that depending on schedule- which is why I am passionate about filling these spots! You also can contact me about a mentoring session focusing on this same information-this would give you one on one time to learn similar concepts!
What if I just do this for a hobby- would the posing part be useful for me to learn??
From my years in the classroom, as a mom, and as a photographer, I know that posing a 3 year old is tough work, and that your 15 year old daughter does not want to be posed at homecoming! I am using the word “posing” as the closest representation for what we will be doing- focusing on quick adjustments you can make that won’t even cause rolled eyes by your teenagers that can help you capture them really well! It is not meant to be an in depth look at posing like you would do for a senior session, etc- much more an introduction to small things you can help your kids do to capture them better (and tips that work for you too!)!
Feel free to email me at jill@jillgumphotography.com with any other questions!
So excited for you and can’t wait to see where you take this!!