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I just wanted to check in quick with a tip today that will totally change the way your potential clients (in any field!) view you and the experience of working with you! When you get a client inquiry, how do you respond? Can you think through the full process? Is there an automated email response, and does it already show a bit of you and your personality, as well as establish your professionalism and skill? And if not, what is the first step to response? Are you sending an email with pricing included in it? Maybe you are giving some details about what is included as well?

Let’s put ourselves in our dream-client’s shoes for a moment– whoever they may be. Let’s say that you (as that client) have just sent an email out to a photographer who’s work you love…someone you just know can capture you and your loved one(s) how you experience life with them. You have followed them on social media for a while, and expect that it will be a bit of an investment for you…but you already believe it will be worth it because you just love their work.

Ding! You get that notification saying you have a new email– and it’s from them. You are so excited to open it and see what they have to say! And this is what you see:


Thank you for inquiring about a photo session with me. I charge $350 for a family session, and include 55 digital files in a gallery.
Let me know if you have questions,


……..Hmmm. I am guessing no one is sending exactly this. But I do know from coaching over 20 photographers the past year that a lot of people are sending something similar. And I get it! Life is busy, and a copied and pasted email with the info they NEED that allows them to ask questions if needed is enough right?!


Your clients are wanting to invest in you and your services… so you need to take the time to really share about those things! I highly recommend making a PDF of some sort that has not only exact details about what all you offer (with the price after the details so that they can see all of the value you will be providing them first!), but also a little bit about you! Lots of people have cameras and own businesses now a days. So chances are, your clients are also choosing you for you…even if you don’t market personally. Give them an invitation to get to know you and what you are offering as a part of it!

I am all about email templates (read about my system for this HERE)…but make sure you are personalizing as best you can! If they give you any info about them and their family, respond to what they say. Make sure they know that you are interested in them and in getting to meet them. Then head into a description about your services– ideally, about the document you are attaching or the page you are sending them to that will lay out clearly (and with some pretty images as inspiration!) what you offer, what the investment will be, and what the next steps are if they want to book you. Over time, mine has evolved quite a bit, but I made my first document in Microsoft Word.  Everyone has access to some program that you can make one on– and there are many templates available online as well.

Remember, their impression of you (and your worth as a business!) begins with their first interaction and response from you. 

Looking for a few more of my best client experience tips?  Let me send it to you right away! Sign up here! 🙂

Edit your cell phone photos with just ONE click to either "fix" an issue or add beautiful "flair" and style to your photo!

JILL GUM Everyday
Fix and Flair Presets



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I'm Jill, a wedding and portrait photographer based out of Chicago and Central Illinois, and available world wide! I'm also a photography educator, wife to my favorite person on the planet, mama to 3 amazing kids and an energetic Aussie, and obsessed with statement jewelry and all desserts (especially fruit pies!). 

As a past high school teacher, I have a major heart for education. After going full time in my business, I have built a business I love that gives me an almost 6 figure salary and allows me to be home part time with my kids.  I dream for you to run a business that enhances your life and lights you up, and I believe I can help you learn how to do it with a little hustle and a lot of heart!

click to learn more about me

Hello Friend!

Are you a Photographer?

Start HERE! 

Are you a mom/hobbyist?

Start HERE! 

You're in the right place!  As a past high school teacher, educating others is my life's work and a HUGE part of my business!  I have been teaching moms and hobbyists how to use their camera from first purchasing it all the way to coaching them into businesses of their own, and I'd love to help you as well, wherever you are (and whatever camera you have!).

I'm so glad you are here!  Teaching Photographers and other small business owners how to run more joyful, successful, and profitable businesses is one of my favorite parts of my business!  I specialize in working with photographers to make their goals a reality (or figure out what their goals should be in the first place!).  

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