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TUESDAYS TOGETHER SPRINGFIELD Celebrating Community Over Competition in Central Illinois

Tuesdays Together

Springfield, IL joined the beautiful Rising Tide Society’s movement of celebrating Tuesday’s Together that I shared about here back in August, and we have met 6 times now.  We typically meet with a group of 5-10 creatives, often mostly women, and often photographer heavy, but the heart of the group really focuses on bringing small creative business owners of all genres together.  I haven’t had a chance to share a lot about the group as we have began, and I think some of that is tied into insecurity (and I may just end up rambling here too but have to share a bit of my heart!).  I have such a passion for the heart of the Rising Tide Society.   I was very lucky to get hooked into a local group of photographers very early in my business through one woman in that group who knew my family, and  am so grateful for that.  That group of women is kind and supportive to each other, and I have grown a few close friends through it who are huge supporters of my business and of me.  Because of that community, I know how important it is for the success and growth of a business to have that sort of group behind them, and Tuesday’s Together is meant for just that.  I love that there are monthly topics for those who really have a desire to grow and stretch their business.  I love getting input and ideas from people in other industries.  Out of our regular attendees, there are photographers from every genre, an owner of a salon (and a restaurant franchise!), and a venue owner, with other creatives mixed in as well. You can learn so much from people who aren’t YOU, and who aren’t doing exactly what YOU are doing. And I am so sure of this community’s ability to help each other and change lives.  But our start has been a little slow, and I think that is a part of why I haven’t shared yet.  I am not exactly sure what that is a reflection of, but I think a large part of it is that much of the creative community here also have other full time jobs- so while we typically meet during the day, that doesn’t work for many.  But at night, many of the parents have obligations at home- so we are starting a schedule of switching back and forth per month, and I’m hoping that gives everyone who wants to attend access throughout the year!

In February, we met in the evening for the first time and while we really missed some of our regular attendees, it was a wonderful evening.  There were new faces, new business owners, lots of stories shared, and a lot of laughter.  It is really beautiful to sit at a table of people, mostly new to you, and hear about their lives and passions and businesses.  To see how they are doing something so different from you- and yet, so very similar.  Being a small business owner can be very isolating- after all, you don’t exactly have “co-workers” in the traditional sense.  But in the end- these are my coworkers.  These wedding planners and florists and salon owners and fellow photographers, serving clients in creative ways.  I am absolutely benefiting each month from growing in and building that community of co-workers up with them as we grow our businesses together.  When one of our businesses faces a success, we all celebrate.  The creative industry all grows, get’s better, serves people better, when each of us improve.  It all reminds me a little of the question of “helping competition” that I wrote about before… As a photographer, I just want people to have their memories captured in a meaningful and beautiful way that they can pass down to their grandchildren.  And I want them to get those memories captured however they need to, whether it’s me or someone else!  So when one business grows, that desire of mine is better met- more people are getting gorgeous memories captured.

I adore that we have an opportunity to come together and help each other (and hopefully soon start turning that reach very outward to our communities), and am so thankful for those meetings.  We are all working to make this world just a little bit more lovely, and as we build up this little community of creators and supporters in and around Springfield, IL, I am reminded of that purpose each month when we get together.

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  1. LOVE Tuesdays Together!! We have our meeting tonight! 😉

  2. Meredith Ryncarz says:

    We love our Tuesdays Together. So glad you have one near you!

  3. Ahhh, I’m so jealous. I keep meaning to go to the Tuesdays Together nearby me, but I just can never seem to make it work. 🙁 Hopefully one day we can go!

  4. Mahlia says:

    Tuesdays Together is such a powerful place to meet other creatives. We love being able to attend the nashville Rising Tide group!

  5. Candi Leonard says:

    I just love the Rising Tide Movement! So great to make contacts and celebrate eachothers successes!

  6. Brittani says:

    Tuesdays Together are just the best!!

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I'm Jill, a wedding and portrait photographer based out of Chicago and Central Illinois, and available world wide! I'm also a photography educator, wife to my favorite person on the planet, mama to 3 amazing kids and an energetic Aussie, and obsessed with statement jewelry and all desserts (especially fruit pies!). 

As a past high school teacher, I have a major heart for education. After going full time in my business, I have built a business I love that gives me an almost 6 figure salary and allows me to be home part time with my kids.  I dream for you to run a business that enhances your life and lights you up, and I believe I can help you learn how to do it with a little hustle and a lot of heart!

click to learn more about me

Hello Friend!

Are you a Photographer?

Start HERE! 

Are you a mom/hobbyist?

Start HERE! 

You're in the right place!  As a past high school teacher, educating others is my life's work and a HUGE part of my business!  I have been teaching moms and hobbyists how to use their camera from first purchasing it all the way to coaching them into businesses of their own, and I'd love to help you as well, wherever you are (and whatever camera you have!).

I'm so glad you are here!  Teaching Photographers and other small business owners how to run more joyful, successful, and profitable businesses is one of my favorite parts of my business!  I specialize in working with photographers to make their goals a reality (or figure out what their goals should be in the first place!).  

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